The Numbers Game!

What does a number written correctly look like, versus one that is not? Teaching children to write numbers at this age, is not our biggest seniority.

 The main goal in education is to enjoy the idea of learning and to have fun with it! In the process if they learn something, it’s an added bonus.


Today we arrived in class with a lot of energy. Whenever it rains our Petals’ have  much more energy than usual. This morning Sayaka had a wonderful art activity set up for our Petals. It was Koinobori window stencil art. As you can imagine, it was quite popular!

At the other table, Petals helped finish up our book cover idea for International Month, with Kiki. It has been a while, but we are close to the end.

At the carpet area, Petals enjoyed playing with soft animals and ocean toys. The kitchen area was once again bubbling with little cooks, eager to feed their friends and teacher!

After our free play time, we greeted each other and got ready for snack time. During our snack time Kiki asked the children what they would like to do at the park. Some children wanted to go to play dinosaur at the park, whilst others wanted to dance with Kiki. As we were discussing our choices, we heard heavy rain! Petals children laughed and said, “Wa, wa, waaa… no park today then!”

Kiki suggested that maybe we could play a fun game which they all agreed!

After snack we got together and got ready for Kiki. Petals even sang their greeting song all by themselves without teachers help.

We first asked our number leader to stand up and count the number. S stood up and started counting it in a big deep voice, “1,2,3,4,5,…10!” He then asked his friends to count with him too…. Thank you and good job S!

Kiki then wrote out the numbers on the white board. Kiki told Petals to try their best to write a number they knew, “We wont have time for everyone, but if some of you can come and try write a number that would be great!” One by one, Petals tried their best.

 Kiki then started calling the numbers out in a funny way. She said, “Sometimes its easier and FUN to think of numbers as people and animals!” Petals were so confused. Kiki added, “For example 5 is a man with a big belly…(Petals laughed)...2 looks like a duck and 1 is like a tall man…..0 is an egg and 3 looks like he has 2 big bellies. Soooo...20 would be a duck with an egg...11 would be two tall people walking together!” Petals were in stitches laughing.

With this Kiki introduced our numbers BINGO game! Kiki buddied up our Petals children and explained how to play. She said the key here is to work together and help each other. Take turns and even point out the answer if your buddy is finding it hard. Their neighbor buddies could also help them. If they find it more tricky, please ask your teachers, as we are there to help them too.  After explaining everything, Kiki said, who ever gets BINGO will get a special sticker as a good job! They got sooo excited and were ready to play.

We would like to say Petals children did an excellent job helping their buddy. Everyone took turns and really tried their best to complete it. When we came to the end...what's this?! All of Petals class had BINGO! Wait... does this mean all of Petals class did a great job...they all tried their best and won?!... YES!!!

Kiki went around giving everyone a high five and said how proud she was to see Petals class trying their best and working together with their buddies! For this, they definitely deserved a sticker. And in this process we had fun learning some numbers too! 

After our game we had just enough time to have a little free play.

It definitely was a day for numbers in Petals class today!

Have lovely evening and see you all tomorrow!

Loving Petals