Our first day of summer school


Good morning friends and teachers! First day of summer school, it was a great morning and to see our old friends made our day a lot more fabulous. Today, we also saw some new faces. We would like to welcome our friends L and our new student teacher from Ryerson University, Canada, Alice. We’re all excited to play with you and spend this special summer program.

The first part of our day was spent in playing with the Lego blocks on the carpet and some drawing activities on the table too. We decided to focus on our sand table because you would find many natural materials that we could use for exploring and touching the various twigs, sticks and branches from the trees.

After our free play time, our friends started packing the toys away and we all helped our teachers to put the furniture on the other part of our classroom. Miyashita-sensei came together with his big green mat that we’re excited to use today. First, we did our usual animal action warm-up exercises. After that, there were also some balancing workouts that we practiced like the table stance, airplane and wall balance. It was really cool to see how our friends were able to perform the challenging tasks without any hesitation.

In the middle of our room, Miyashita-sensei put the green mat and he asked us to do a somersault. It was really not so difficult especially for the old friends because this was something that we have mastered during the school year. However, some of our younger friends, they needed more time perfect and perform the task in the classroom. We did what we could and in the end, we all had a great time doing our gym class again.

This week, our topic is about emergency crew. Today, John showed us three different kinds of doctor and we thought that they all looked the same but you know that sometimes, doctors do help people in many ways. There is a doctor for children, doctor for heart condition, doctor for bones and many more. We also used a stethoscope. It is a medical apparatus that is used for hearing the different body sounds. We used the stethoscope to hear our hearts. John tried using it on his own body so he put the head of the stethoscope on his chest and tried listening to it. He said that it was really a weak sound so he decided to ask our friends if they would want to hear it as well. Some of us expressed that they could hear it and a few of us said that they didn’t. Lastly, we read the book, “Froggy goes to the doctor.”

After our circle time, we had our snacks and prepared for park. It was a sunny day so we didn’t want to miss out on our opportunity to enjoy our park. We played the bubble game and with the sand while we’re at the green area. Thank you so much Ohana for another beautiful day! See you again tomorrow.

Lots of love,
