Let’s prepare for earth day!

Happy Monday everyone!

On our first activity table we played with puzzles! I was very busy trying to put all the images together and D and L then worked together to solve the rest of the puzzle! Great team work friends!

On the second activity table we continued our art collaboration for Earth Day! After painting the earth, we started the second part of our craft: making rockets!
We all painted our rockets in green and once they’ll dry we will glue our rockets all around the earth to make it seem like they are flying around it!
I, T, I and Y particularly appreciated this craft! They were very diligent and painted their rocket in every nook and cranny without forgetting a single place! Good job friends!

In the free play area we played with the mega blocks! L and P built their cars and raced with N while M played with the cars and slid them down the little slide!

During circle time we talked about the earth and what we can do to protect it and we did an activity to learn how to sort the garbage!
There was 4 bins : the green bin, organic, in which we put carrots, broccoli or cheese, the yellow bin, papers, where we put papers like cardboards, newspapers or even books, the purple bin, cans, in which we put cans like soup cans and then the red bin, plastics, in which we put bottles of water, of juice or bottles of soap! We all had our turn to show off our sorting skills and we all sorted very well! Good job buds friends! This is a very important first step to protect our planet!

After snack time we went to play in the park with balls and once we were all very tired from running around so much, we went back to school to eat our lunches!

Thank you for today everyone! Have a wonderful afternoon and see you tomorrow!

Buds team