Can Your Talent Be Your Job?


Th and Oj read our question of the day!

“Can your talent be your job?”

Mi: Yes. I can help my mommy and daddy. That can be a talent.

Hi: Yes. I can help my mommy.

To make the question easier to understand, we defined what a job is.

Th: My mommy does experiments. That’s her job. She’s a scientist!

Mi: My mom makes sweets out of chestnuts. She has a confectionery.

Oj: Daddy’s computer and mommy washing.

We decided that there are some jobs that we do at home, and others that we go to work to do.

We looked at the book we read on Monday called, The Bear and the Piano. In that book, the bear became very good at playing piano, and was offered to go to the city to perform concerts in theaters. We also revisited a book which showed us how bread is made.

Re: How do we make the bread if we don’t have this one? (Farm equipment used for harvesting grain.) We need many people! Everyone cannot do every talent!

We think being different is a positive thing! Not only with the way we look, but in the talents we have as well. It’s okay to have the same talent as someone else but we’re glad that everyone doesn’t have the same exact talent. It takes more than someone’s talent for baking for us to eat delicious bread. Without the talent of farmers, bakers wouldn’t even be able to begin!

We’re excited to see which talents Flowers will show during Teach Me How!

Have a wonderful evening! See you tomorrow!


Flowers XOXO