Coloring the day with our smiles!

Welcome back everyone!

This morning we had the people puzzles set out on the front table. T created a long people chain made from the blue colored pieces! He counted one to eight! Good work! P also created a chain of rainbow people! She LOVES rainbows and was very happy to create her own people chain rainbow!

On the back table we had some clay biscuits out ready for molding! I was eager to start the day by squishing and cutting his clay biscuit! He loves to sculpt! N joined the scene helping I make a HUGE cake! L also flexed his chef skills by making slices of chicken for everyone! Thank you! We all soon shifted gears and made food for the toy animals! Yum!

Nearby, in the playroom, M played dollhouse with her friends. She was very kind to demonstrate sharing by lending her friends some furniture items! So sweet!

D fed his toy giraffe some yummy apples, saying “apple” and “red”! On the small table, I helped glue some wood patterned pieces of paper to our Mikoshi tree! L helped out and placed some into the blank spaces! What a great duo!

After we cleaned up and sat down for circle time, L sang “if you’re happy and you know it” with I. I kept a great rhythm with the song clapping in time! Way to keep a beat! Liezel played "baby shark" on her ukulele and we sang along while Brandon tuned up our class koto! It was so cool to play with the teachers!

After circle time, we reviewed color names and then participated in a color puzzle! We all identified colors and then were given large toy fruits by Brandon who asked us to pair them with the like colored ribbons! It was a lot of fun to put them in their correct places!

Can you find like-colored items at your home and share a picture with us!?

See you tomorrow!

